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Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Anú way of thinking...

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog after an extremely quick 3 months! I literally cannot believe that we are now less than two months away from CHRISTMAS!!! Some of you are probably thinking did she really just mention the "C" word In the first week of November but if time continues to pass us by as quick as the rest of this year did then before you know it Christmas will be upon us! I'll let you all get over halloween first and then i'll be back to talk about Christmas...Anyway lets get straight in to this weeks blog post ... 

So whats my reason for the lack of content??
Well let me tell advice to you is that you go and turn on the kettle, grab the biscuits and get yourself comfortable on the couch because this may take me quiet a while- we all know I can very easily get side tracked and this conversation could end up anywhere, but I will give it my best shot to keep as straight and to the point as possible! 

So now that you have you're cuppa and biscuits ready and your nice and snug let me continue begin to fill you in on the life of Caoimhe Hickey- I bet your all so excited!! Well anyway, my last post on this blog was July 30th 2017 and I would honestly like to think I am quite a different person now and I'm in quite a different place both mentally and physically. ( It may have taken the guts of 20 years but I can assure you this was worth the wait).

I've touched on the topic of always trying to fit in before, and as ye know this was something that I wasted a massive chunk of my life doing- but yes Ive only realised that now thankfully I've copped it before it was too late and I wasted another 20 years of my life. It's never ever to late for change and I've copped that in so many different situations. If something doesn't make you happy anymore- let go of it! Yes of course it will hurt you, Yes there will be tears and Yes it wont be easy- I'm definitely not saying it will be one bit easy.. but ask yourself this one question... WILL IT BE WORTH IT??.. I'm 99.99% sure that the answer to that question will be YES!!  

This year in general I have found that I, as a person have changed in so many ways. I would like to think that they've all been positive changes. Loosing a friend at a young age will Make you re evaluate your whole life on so many different aspects. I put my hand up and admit that perviously to the 16th February I would have taken every single little thing for granted, I put myself into situations that I didn't want to be in just so that I would be accepted and I would "fit in". I would have whinged and whined about the smallest little things, I constantly found imperfections in my appearance and in my life in general- but what was I forgetting? I was forgetting how lucky I was to be alive..

A lot has happened in my private life over the years, and I think I've taken alot of it onboard myself, but that's just me I take everyones problems on board and try to be the glue that keeps everything and everyone together which looking back now has made me the person I am today. I would consider myself the softest out of my entire family, well there's only 5 of us so I'm not up against a whole pile of people-Personally I think it should be the total opposite, I should be as tough as nails considering I was the youngest in my family and my brother and sister used to carry me around thinking I was a ragg doll,I have photographic evidence hahah I'm sure they were just trying to smother me with affection because I was their baby sister( well at least that's the excuse we'll use for now)!! Bearing that in mind I should probably be a lot more phsyically and mentally stronger considering I'm sure I got a few wallops of doors and the occasional drop here and there but it did me no harm at all But I'm not, I'm still quiet soft. 

 My brother, sister and I are literally all chalk and cheese, we're all so different it actually makes me laugh.My sister Leanne has just graduated with her 3rd degree at the age of 25 if thats not Goals I don't know what is- she is the most driven person I know and I will forever look up to her for that (or look down on her because I am the taller sister) Then there's Keelan  the one who will kill me If he finds out I've mentioned him in a blog post but Keelan is probably the most talented out of the 3 of us- as much as it kills me to say that haha.. Keelan is the type that could put his hand to anything and it would be like as If he was doing it his whole life, he is bursting with talent but drastically suffers with middle child syndrome- so he says anyway!! Then there's me and well what is there to say?.. I always find it hard to describe myself- I think everyone does. 

Before I hit 20 I felt completely and utterly useless, that was something that I had just got into my head myself. I just seen everything In such a negative way, I saw no light at the end of the tunnel. I was brought up the exact same as leanne and Keelan, treated the exact same, I even put my hand up and say I got away with a lot more because after all I was the baby of the house- I still use that trump card, I was loved beyond words by everyone in my family !! Bearing all this in mind I still saw everything so negatively- for example.. I honestly thought that there was no point in doing my Leaving Cert because realistically I didn't have a talent that I could get somewhere in life with and I always said i'll never get a degree, sure you have to know what you want to study to be able to get a degree to begin with. You then need to have some sort of brains for a degree too- I like to blame my hair colour and say "Oh sure I'm blonde don't mind me" no lads realistically I'm a ginger at heart and I like to disguise my lack of knowledge by blaming my hair colour.. but are you ready for me to fill you in on a little secret??


imagine that!! If only I had known that for the 13 years I spent in school they would have been the best years of my life like they should have been.. If I'm honest it feels like my life really only began to take shape this year..You know the part when I said I possessed no talent or brains? well I was wrong on that too- Clearly I have some sort of talent or I wouldnt have gotten some of the opportunities that I have gotten this year- been a finalist in the biggest Irish Blog Awards with my Blog just a year old is quite a big deal to me, although it might not be to you..I'm Still working on the brains part, but that's overrated anyway!!! 

The minute I accepted that I possessed a talent and that I was put on earth for purpose- whatever that may be,was the minute that my life changed for good. August this year is when it began.. Hold tight now this is gonna sound strange to some of you, to others it may not but bear with me and trust me on this one. I had been going to the fabulous Michelle from Anú way Living working on some breathing strategies and vision boards for about two years because I was suffering with negative thoughts and I was getting quite alot of panic attacks. Michelle is going to know this herself without reading it that for the first year and a bit I never fully committed, I committed when it suited me and yet still expected a miraculous outcome. 

This year, August to be exact is when I started to take this serious.. Michelle told me that if you really really want something to happen that you need to keep visualise it happening to you and watch it all unfold before you. I had been unemployed for 8 months, so obviously my first thing I had on my list was to get a job. I got a magnetic notebook from Penneys and a pen, I sat down on the 8th of august 2017 and I wrote down " I will get a job that I will be happy in"- and I finished it off with "I will" literally thats all I wrote on the sheet of paper and dated it on the top.. on the 24th of August I had my first day of my new job that I am sooooo unbelievably happy in. 

but thats not all..

I have two more examples of how I put my vision board to use.. I can promise you that all of this information is 100% the truth as my family were wondering why our fridge is now converted into one big sticky note collection.. You all remember me going on about meeting Niall Horan, yes? So when I heard that Niall Horan was coming to Ireland and I had tried for tickets and I couldnt get them, I was like a dog - literally!! I decided to write on my piece of paper once again " I will meet Niall Horan when he is in Ireland- I will " 24 hrs later Eoghan McDermott rang me with the news that I was going to meet him.

My last and final example and to be honest this is the whole reason that I'm writing this post- If any of you follow me on snapchat you would have known that my relationship with driving was a bit of a love/hate relationship.. I HATED everything to do with it, no joke I honestly would of rathered crawl to get to where I needed too.. I work in Clonmel so obviously had to use the Cahir- Clonmel road every day to get to work.. On that road Kertons Garage showcase their cars.. So I had seen the car I had always wanted, it must have been there for more than two months but I was like - sure i'll never be able to afford it or drive it for that matter..

Before even looking at it, I got my paper and pen out again.. I put on the notebook at the end of September "That White Fiat 500 will be mine by October the 15th.. Bearing in mind I actually couldn't get the hang of the gearstick or gears in a car. (Ask John Browne my driving instructor, that poor man had whiplash every time I went on a lesson).. I finally decided to go and look at the car a week later, when I looked inside it.. it was AUTOMATIC... it was made for me. I officially bought the car on October the 14th with one day to spare on my notice on the fridge..

Believe me when I say this everyone, if you asked me two years ago to visualise what I wanted in life I would have thought you were mad but why is that? I was in a negative place, surrounded with negative people. I took myself away from of all of those toxic situations and people and started to re evaluate my whole life before it was too late here's where you can see how changing your mindset,attitude and outlook on life can pay off...

I Have the most amazing family-
 Does that require brains?.. Absolutely not!

I have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in.
Does that require brains?- Absolutely not!

I  have a boyfriend who makes me extremely happy( although he has he's moments sometime.s) 
Does that require brains? Absolutely not!

I have a job that I'm extremely happy in- 
Does that require brains?- Absolutely not!

I am so happy within myself after all theses years.
Does that require brains?  Absolutely not!

I have a beautiful car that I can finally call my own-
 Does that require brains?- absolutely not because its automatic...( ahahah)

I have money in my bank account which allows me to treat myself to whatever I want.
Does that require brains?- Absolutely not. ( just remember your pin code)..

There you have it lads, I've been focusing on changing my life for the better over the past 3 months.. It does take time and it's not easy, but its worth every single minute I am so much happier in myself both mentally and physically. Yes there still are days when all I want to do is cry but just like you, I'm not invincible I'm a 20 year old girl trying to grab life with open arms and be as successful as I can be whilst also being happy!

Thanks so much for reading this weeks blog post I do hope you enjoyed it, I promise from now on i'll be as active as ever on my social media. Dreams don't work unless you do and I think I'm finally ready to take this serious...A massive shoutout to Anú way Living for getting me back on track with my life and showing me that life has so much to offer when you take yourself away from negativity, Michelle will be home from America for a workshop in November and I honestly can't recommend her enough she is a miracle worker.
Thats all for now.
Until Next Time..
Much Love,
Caoimhe xx

Sunday, 30 July 2017

"The Tongue whisperer"

 Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog.
If you've been following my snapchat over the past week you will probably know what this blog post is about, but for those of you who haven't well don't worry as I'm just about to fill you all in on this weeks antics. I have spoke about acupuncture and finding more natural ways to help with the symptoms that I suffer with while suffering with M.E, although that can be quite tough as my symptoms generally tend to differ from day to day! I have been to a wide range of hospitals/specialists over the past few years and to be honest my body has been under quite a lot of pressure from a young age, and more importantly during the years that my body was trying to develop naturally, adding extra chemicals to your body while its trying to develop naturally itself obviously isn't ideal and as you can imagine can lead to lots of other problems. 

One of those problems was the main reason that I started searching for a more natural way of healing and suppressing some symptoms that I had alternatively, instead of taking prescribed medications. At one stage I think I was popping 10-14 pills a day, which in fact in December 2013, aged 16 led to me having a break down in school. That was the exact moment that I realised I had to do something about it before it lead to a lot more problems. I'm sure that my love of Natural Healing is starting to make sense now?

On to the interesting part, so taking my love for Natural Healing and adding my other love "Social Media" and putting both together is the reason why I am writing this post today. Once again while reading my posts you're probably wondering " what on earth is this one on about again" but stick with me for a few minutes and it will make sense. Anyway, as I said ,if you were following my Snapchat you will have known that last week I discovered this guy from Kilkenny called Jason Walsh.  Jason specialises in Acupuncture and Naturopathy- if your not sure what all those big words mean all you really need to know is that this particular guy is gifted. The world of natural healing and Chinese Medicine can be quite mind blowing and I suppose unless its something you're qualified in or highly educated in it's something that your not really going to understand, all you and I both need to know is that this type of healing is really really effective.

So how did I discover Jason, well as strange as it may sound the first thing I heard about Jason,  was that he was nicknamed "The Tongue Reader" .. No, that is not a miss spelled and no I'm not gone nuts! I will put my hand up and say I honestly don't understand Chinese Medicine all I know is 'that it works and that's all I really need to know. So basically,  the tongue can tell a lot about you in Chinese Medicine so obviously anyone who is educated in Chinese Medicine will be able to read your tongue. Because I'm so obsessed by this natural healing I was like "sure look what's to loose I'm going to send Jason a picture of my tongue and i'll wait to see what he comes up with" . It's literally as easy as taking a picture of your tongue and not your thumb as poor Jason has received several pictures of thumbs over the past few weeks since this has really taken off for him.

So yes back to my story, I tend to get side tracked don't I. You literally send a picture of just your tongue to either Jason's Facebook account or to his Snapchat, I opted to send my picture to Jason's Facebook because obviously Snapchat can be temperamental and has a tendency to delete snaps etc. Jason replied to me within the space of 2 hours and I won't lie, I was freaked out by his reply. I will share what Jason picked up on below and will tell you if I do or do not suffer with the symptoms listed.

1. Cold Creature- Cold hands and feet.   
2.Dizzy Spells/Light headiness.               
3.Bloating after eating.                      
4.Worry a lot but hide it well.               
5.Groggy feeling in your head.
       True/ False?
1.100% True. My hands and feet are always Freezing.
2.100% True. Forever feeling light headed..
3.100% True. I get a food baby after eating all the time.
4.100% True.I worry about EVERYTHING and everyone.
5.100% True. Feels like something is pushing down on my head.

As you can see Jason was spot on and picked up on all of the main symptoms that I have.. isn't it so mind boggling how you can tell all of that from looking at someone's tongue?? I then replied to Jason and I told him that I was actually blown away because he was spot on we chatted and he kindly invited me down to his clinic in Kilkenny for a further consultation and then he would follow the Consultation up with whatever treatment that suited my needs.

Last Wednesday the 26th of July I headed down to the Springhill Clinic on the Waterford road in Kilkenny- that's where Jason is located for all those wondering. I went into my appointment completely open minded and came out with my mind blown. The Consultation was just like any other general consultation to be honest, just your general conversation and a set list of medical questions were asked throughout.  I was so so relaxed with Jason and to be honest he got to the root of my problem and managed to make me feel so comfortable that I opened up and talk about stuff that I haven't really spoken about to anyone before- it wasn't forced at all it just happened naturally.

We opted for an Acupuncture Treatment as Jason felt that a lot of my problems were stemming from my digestive system- basically my digestive system was clogged. So I lay on my back on the treatment bed and Jason talked through every step of the treatment- which I found was really beneficial because when there are needles involved, although they are tiny you still would more than likely want to know when they are about to go in. So obviously, he sterilised all the points that he was going to treat using alcohol wipes.  Once that was done he began to insert the needles into the points which were made up of the feet, lower legs, the wrists, my right ear, the middle of my face, and my head. Overall I'd say I had about 15-20 needles inserted all over my body.

All I knew was that there were needles inserted into parts of my body and I just trusted that they were in the right place for the right reason. There is no pain involved in Acupuncture. There is a weird sensation of relief though but I can't describe it, it's something you actually have to experience yourself in order to understand what I mean. Straight away I felt that initial sensation shoot down through my body.  Jason then turned down the lights and left me to completely relax and unwind for roughly 15-20 minutes, although he left a little buzzer for me to ring if I needed anything at all - that was a major factor for the worrier that I am. 

I'm not going to lie, it took me a few minutes to actually fully settle but that's just me.   I find it really hard too switch off anyway. Once I relaxed, it was scary what my body did, Firstly, my stomach started rumbling like I was after swallowing some sort of animal, no joke the noises were crazy! I then started to get cramps in my tummy the pain was completely bearable though, and if that wasn't enough then the burping started and I could actually feel how blocked my digestive system really was as I actually threw up a little.

I felt on top of the world after my treatment so much so that I actually felt like I was floating, I've never been drunk but I have a feeling that's what it felt like but in a good way and minus the hangover of course!! Since Wednesday I have felt a lot better in myself both mentally and physically - of course it's going to take time before I feel 100% better because unfortunately M.E isn't going to go away as would a cold or flu. Once your open minded and you know that its only going to get better and that an illness isn't going to disappear over night then you are half way there. 

Below I have attached a picture of some of the things that Acupuncture can help treat. I would highly recommend treating yourself to a session of Acupuncture if you have been suffering with any of the symptoms listed below. I'll also attach Jasons details below just incase you also want to follow suit and send him a picture of your tongue to see what will come up.
Thank you so much for reading my post once again, I hope you enjoyed reading it and if you have any questions please feel free to drop me a message any time.

Jason's Snapchat--> "Jwacupuncture"

Thats all for now.
Until Next Time.
Much Love,
Caoimhe xx

Sunday, 25 June 2017

The door to happiness opens from the inside..

Finding out who you really are as a person can take quite sometime, and infact it can take longer for others and that includes me. Earlier this year I turned 20 years old, I'm aware that I am still very young but honestly after 20 years I can just about say that I am finally figuring out who I really am as a person. I get that sounds a little bit insane, but I will finally put my hand up and admit that for a massive chunk of my 20 years on this Earth that I tried to be someone that I realistically was never going to be which led to me being the most un happy girl on this earth, and to be honest 4-5 years of my teens were a blur. On the outside was the shell of Caoimhe Hickey but in the inside I was a totally different person.

Some of you are still probably reading this and thinking to yourself "What on earth is this one on about?" but don't give up on me just yet, continue to read down throughout this post and it will hopefully make sense by the end, that is if I don't get sidetracked in the mean time. So going back to the point of living two lives, Don't worry I'm not Miley Cyrus the second, What I mean is that on the outside is that I came across extremely confident, happy and content with every aspect of my life and yes, you could say that but to an extent. I had absolutely everything that I needed in life, a loving family, a roof over my head, food on the table and most importantly I had the ability to walk, talk, hear and see as I pleased, so I really wasn't lying when I said I had everything ,was I? On top of all those necessities my Mam and Dad always went above and beyond on our birthdays and Christmas to make it as special as possible and looking back over the years it's only now I'm starting to realise the sacrifices that they both made for me and my siblings.Now don't get me wrong I had the dream childhood, and that is all down to my parents who as I said went above and beyond for us but this hatred towards myself really began in my early teens

Bearing all that in mind, I should feel exactly how I said I was on the outside right? Confident, happy and content with every aspect of life.... but the answer is 100% the opposite but why is that? Well the answer is pretty simple I was missing possibly the most important thing I needed to get by in life and that was Self worth. I know hate is a strong word but when I say it I literally mean I HATED myself, and every single thing about myself! To the extent that everything I had, I wanted the total opposite of it and yes I do get that its the same with all of us, we all want what we can't have but for me it was to an un natural extent but do you really want to know what the main culprit of the hatred was?..... My weight- I mean I was obsessed with wanting to be skinny. Mam - I know you're reading this and I've finally admitted it. I lived in a world where I honestly thought that being skinny was the be all and end all.  Each and every one of my friends were size 8 maximum and I'm not gonna lie I was wearing a size 18 and 20 up until 2 years ago. The pressure I put on myself and my body was un natural. There were days I starved myself in hope that Id loose weight- but how wrong was I.

You're probably still trying to figure out what is the point in the post? but here it comes. If I could back to my 14 year old self and have a chat with her it would go as follows:

"Dear 14 year old Caoimhe,
What is the one thing that bothers you most in life Caoimhe? - I'm sure the reply I would get is "Im Fat". So out of everything that is the one thing that sticks out as the most important thing that bothers you? listen to yourself, there are innocent people passing away who would kill to carry a bit of weight so that they could stay a chance of their body fighting an illness and you are punishing your body in the hope to loose weight, when infact you are doing more harm to yourself, your body and your mind? You are 14 the age where the biggest worry should be what your going to wear to the next disco or who's house your going to for the next sleepover, not how are you going to become size 8 just to fit in with everyone else? You will learn so much over the coming years believe me by the age of 20 you will be the most content that you have ever been with your life, your happiness will resume to exactly what it was like during your childhood and why is that? Because over the years you will loose friends, you will gain friends, and most importantly you will figure out who your true friends are, you will have  plenty ups and downs- but guess what? there  will be so many more ups to make up for all those times that things didn't go as planned, not alone all that you will meet a boy who will love you for exactly who you are as a person and not for what you look like but will simply just Love you because you are simply just YOU as you are and will change your life, you will have over come a pile of health problems but you will come out the other side still fighting, you will have a family who will support you no matter what you do in life, how amazing is it to know that out of everything in the world no matter what you will have 4 people who will catch you when you fall and yes that 4 people includes your amazing sister Leanne, who will be your biggest role model and someone that you will forever look up to and not forgetting Keelan the one who will teach you that talent has no limits and relistically he has a heart of gold behind his manly appearance.Most importantly and above all can I leave you in to a massive secret Caoimhe one that is possibly going to change your life forever, This doesn't happen over night it takes time,patcience, hope and preserverance. How would you feel if I was to tell you that once you finish up school and enter the real world that everything would be ok and your life is going to be completely different for all the right reasons and guess why? because you will have learned to stop WORRYING about every single little thing and you will actually start to live your life, and let me tell you why you will start to live your life.. You will realise that you were trying to be the polar opposite to who Caoimhe Hickey really is, you were trying to fit in with people who relistcially you will never fit in and more importantly you will finally start to value yourself, and accept that after all you are you for a reason,  those stretch marks that cover your body, those scars, those freckles and that ginger tinge that comes through your hair every so often are all things that make you who you are. If you didn't have them you wouldn't be you. What will happen when you finally stop worrying 5 years later you ask? Well thats the interesting part your life will completely change for the better, your group of friends might have gotten smaller but you know that no matter what they will have your back, you will achieve things that you will have never imagined you could achieve, your weight will slowly start to fall into place but that is irrelevant because the main thing is you will be HAPPY and let me tell you that is all that matters, once you are happy and healthy that is all that matters, so give it time, don't be so harsh on yourself, "life is like a rollercoaster. Sometimes you close your eyes and hold on in shear terror & other times you just have to raise your hands up in the air and enjoy the ride" You'll get their believe me.
Love 20 Year Old Caoimhe x"

I hope that this post will reach at least one teenager who can relate to this post before you end up wasting 4 or 5 years of possibly the best years of your life being unhappy in yourself.  Unfortunately Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you. I regret so much but that is why I am so determined to be successful to make up for what I missed out on over the past few years. I honestly say it over and over again but the minute I started to accept myself for who I am is the exact moment that my life began to change for the better and everything slowly but surely started to fall into place. If I can turn my life around then believe me so can you, some of you probably would have never thought that I would have ever been so unhappy but believe me a smile can hide so much. Although I promise you that when you see my smiling now, its 100% a smile that shows honestly how happy I am, and I suppose how much I love my teeth hahaha. 

I could honestly keep typing for the rest of the night on this topic, I absolutely love writing personal posts as I can pump 110% into them as it purely comes from the bottom of my heart. Id love to know if you would like to see some more personal posts in the future. Thank You so much for taking the time to read my posts. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please leave your feedback in the comments. 
Until Next Time.

Much Love,
Caoimhe ( The 20 Year old Happy One) x

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Our stay at The Heritage Killenard ..

So A week later I'm finally getting around to writing about our night awny the 5* Heritage Hotel Killenard. If I was to only use one word to sum it up, it would be AMAZING!! Of course ill go a little further into detail with our stay so that you can kind of get a teeny bit more of an insight to what the resort is really like from Activities, Dining, Interior and overall expierience.

Colin and I are always very last minute, purely because if we plan anything in advance nearly 100% of the time something comes up and we end up having to cancel and then not gonna lie I end up sulking, so for both of us its just easier to book something last minute that way no one ends up been let down and I suppose its more exciting when its last minute.

 I am very fortunate in the way that I do get to spend quite a lot of time with Colin, on the other hand because we do get to see each other so often that sometimes we can take each other for granted so   I really do think its so important to get away every now and then to take some time out from the real world and literally just enjoy each others company.I was going to say get away to  put your feet up and relax but I don't think the word relax is In Colin's vocabulary, hence why we have barely any pictures together..

So last Monday we decided that we would just go for one night away and we choose the 5* Heritage Hotel in Killenard. If you were listening to my snaps earlier this week you would have known that in one way I am very fortunate that I am with someone who is so heavily involved and passionate about Golf purely because when we do tend to get away 99% of the time it has a golf course attached but on the other hand the Hotel that the golf course is on, is generally Top Quality, so I can't complain as its a win win situation as you can clearly see in the picture below that views, and location is breath taking.

I had never been to the Heritage hotel before but i had heard such great reviews so its was definitley at the top of our list to go to. We got a really good price for the night so off we went on Tuesday morning Bright and early. Of Course, I had completely over packed as per usual but then when we arrived I had forgotten half of the things that I actually needed and I had brought loads of unnecessary  clothes, realistically I was only gone for a night but sure you never know when you might have an outfit catastrophe, so its always better to be prepared.

When actually arrived 3 Hours before the check in time because Colin was due to go golfing but thankfully our room was ready when we arrived so it all worked out great as we had some time to chill before we headed out on the golf course. I never mind going out on the golf course when we are away because we always get a buggy- well Colin gets a buggy just to keep me quiet so that he can play in peace. I said on snapchat during the week that normally when we go away, theres always so much to do around the location of the hotel so we generally never get to relax.
The heritage is situated in a beautiful area, its kind of out in the middle of nowhere but for the first time ever I actually loved every minute of been out in the country side, saying that though there was still a far amount to do within the resort. Theres a play ground and fairy garden trail for the kids, the Golf Course, and Golf Practice area which is suitable for everyone and every age, and of course there is a Fabulous 5* Spa and swimming facilities too if you really want to relax and unwind- but to be honest you don't even have to leave your room to feel relaxed. The interior of the room is just GOALS, the room we stayed in which was their most standard basic room of all was my dream bedroom, so I can only imagine what the upper class rooms would look like.Our room was beautifully decorated, it had Complimentary robes and slippers, tea and coffee facilities, a mini fridge, Sky Channels, Netflix on the TV, a fabulous Bath and the worlds comfiest bed. The staff go above and beyond to make your stay as relaxing and enjoyable as possible, when we retuned from dinner later that night, we arrived back to the butlers chocolates on the bed, thats an example of the extremes that they go to. Have a peak at our room below in the pictures, and you'll see exactly what I'm on about--->

Because we were so last minute I didn't actually book in for any treatments but we used the leisure facilities attached and I did have a peek at the Spa facilities and they were outstanding, the cleanliness, the atmosphere and the staff were second to non. The heritage itself is really suitable for everyone its such versatile hotel that offers so much for everyone of all ages, as I said its ideal for families with young kids, for couples. for a group of lads who want to go on a golf outing or for a group of girls who want a ladies day out at a Spa resort I honestly couldn't recommend it enough.

 I actually couldnt fault one single aspect of our stay at the Heritage and that is saying something for me, because ill Put my hadn't up and admit I am the PICKIEST person on earth, not when it comes to hotels but when it comes to dining in hotels. Of course thats no-ones fault but my own as I'm the one who is picky, Ive said it thousand of times before I, Caoimhe Hickey am the definition of a Plain Jane. We decided to eat at the Golf Clubhouse restaurant called "Judge Roy Beans" which over looked the 9th and 18th hole of the golf course which was absolutely stunning might I add. To Top it all off the Food was Out of this world, there wasn't a scrap of food left on both of our plates and thats a rare occurrence for me. Breakfast was served In the dining room of the Hotel the next morning and it also exceeded our expectations, we were treated like royalty. Once again so much to choose from which is extremely good when your as picky as me and they also had a wide range of Gluten free products for those who are Coeliac which was great to see . Colin and I enjoyed our food too much that I forgot to take a picture of the food so heres a picture of my outfit for Dinner ---->

Colin and I enjoyed our stay at the Heritage so much that we have decided that we will return their in the coming month to celebrate his 21st Birthday. If you are looking for somewhere to go for a break away from the real world I would definitely recommend looking into staying at the Heritage Killenard as I promise you will not be disappointed.

Once again apologies in the delay of uploading this post but life has been hectic, in a good way of course. Thats all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading about our time at the Heritage, if you have any other questions be sure to send me a message via Facebook or Snap me on "itsallaboutm.e".  I should have my Penney's Press Day blog post up on Sunday evening so be sure to stay tuned.

Until Next Time.
Much Love,

Caoimhe xx

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

I'm Nominated for an award.. SAY WHAT!!

I Literally cannot believe I'm writing this, but I have been long listed in the "Best Newcomer Blog Category" in the Irish Beauty Blog Awards!! I honestly cannot sum up how honoured i am to see the name of my blog alongside some extremly well known/successful bloggers..🙈
There are over 40 other bloggers in "The best Newcomer" category so I really need your help to get to onto the shortlist which will compile of only 5 blogs..
I would love if you could spare just two seconds to vote for me all you need to do is the following steps :

1- Click the link the following link -->…/.
2-Go to the best new comer category (c).
3- Find my blog "Its All About M.E" and click on the little circle on the left hand side.
4- Finally, just simply press submit.
Its literally as easy as that!!. 

The best thing is you can vote once a day and on multiple devices, so if you have any devices lying around your house please pick it up and follow the above steps once a day!!
It would mean so much to me to make the shortlist but I honestly feel like I have already achieved something by just making the longest. Winning would be a bonus.
Thank You so much for all of your continued support it means so much to me..
Lots of Love,
Caoimhe x

Sunday, 14 May 2017

May's Must Have Product.



As I previously said I'm not feeling 100% lately so I literally have no interest or patcience for putting on a full face of make up! Infact, I've only worn make up once in the past two weeks and thats when you know that I'm not myself! Before I picked up this product I used to feel so uncomfortable in my own skin as I am literally a milk bottle and well generally, if I put make up on I instantly feel a whole lot better in myself. 

Right now I literally just don't have any interest in plastering myself in a full face of make up but I still want to have a small bit of a colour and a glow so that I don't feel as miserable on the outside as I do in the inside! 

Two weeks ago I purchased this Cocoa BrownGentle Bronze from Boots Ireland and it instantly became my best friend. I literally cannot stress how good this product is.It literally does what it says on the bottle - it gives you a lovely gentle bronze while also hydrating the skin as it doubles up as a silky moisturiser. 

How to apply:Personally I like to apply it with a fluffy brush rather than a mitt! I just find that you get a much more even consistancy when using a brush as you can simply apply it just as you would apply foundation, pop a small but onto your brush and buff it into the skin in circular motions. 

This product is not just for the face it can be used all over the body too! I now apply it twice a week just to give me a little boost! I am so much more confident in my skin now that I have a gentle bronze all day everyday! This will defintley be my Must have product for the summer time and what's even better is its only €5.90 for 200ml! 

Now if someone could just find something for the bags under my eyes that would be fantastic hahah! Thats all for this week, I have been so busy lately which is such a good complaint, and there is so much In the pipeline over the coming weeks so stay tuned for all of mu updates.

Until Next Time.
Much Love,
Caoimhe xx

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Fun Run/ Walk in Aid of Act For Meningitis..

💙 I have been Fairly quiet on my social media the past week as I haven't been very well and I promise I'll update you all on that next week but for now I have something extremely important to share with you . The Colaiste Dun Iascaigh Secondary school in Cahir has joined forces with the amazing charity ACT for Meningitis which is a charity that has become very near and dear to many people in the Cahir area since the passing of Our dear friend Grainne. 

Coláiste Dún Iascaigh Cahir are holding their second annual 5k Fun Run/Walk or 10K Road Race this coming Sunday the 14th of May.
Registration costs €15 for an individual entry or €20 for a family entry which includes Chip timing and a technical Running Tshirt for you to take away as a memorabilia of the day! Registration will take place at 10am in the Gym of the Colaiste. 

Unfortunately due to my current situation with my illness I will not be able to take part in the walk on Sunday morning but I have already given my donation to the school ahead of the event and I will be on hand to help out in the registration. I have also donated box's of Galaxy Chocolate Share bars and 3 cases of bottled of water for the participants on the day. 

I would love to see as many people as possible to take advantage of the beautiful weather we are getting at the minute and taking part in this event on Sunday Morning.. rumour has it that we might be even lucky enough to get to meet Dancing With the Stars contestant / Vip Magazines Most Stylish Man Dayl Cronin Page on the day too,so be sure to round up the guys/Gals and get yourself to the colaiste Sunday Morning the 14th of May at 10am for a fun day out in memory of our beautiful angel Grainne

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, I hope to see you all on May The 14th.

Thats all for now.

Until Next Time.

Much Love,

Caoimhe x

Sunday, 30 April 2017

"Be Brave.Take Risks. Nothing Can Substitute Expierence."

So I may not have been crowned the 2017 Tipperary Rose lastnight but I think for the very first time in my 20 years of existence I can sit here and put my hand on my heart and say I am so unbelievably proud of myself, and that alone is something I never thought I would say! 

I'm normally not one for self praise but it's times like this that I realise how far I have come in the last few years. Back in 2012 I was diagnosed with M.E I honestly thought my life was destroyed, I went into such a dark place and couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Fast forward a few years and my life is completely different, I am no longer letting an illness define me. Infact, I think I am doing a good job at kicking M.E's ass if I say so myself.. This didn't happen over night though, it took years of tears,tantrums,mental and physical breakdowns, highs and lows,hospital visits, hospital bills, failures,sacrifices, patience, panic attacks and perseverance and that's just to name a few! 

Entering the rose of Tralee section is something that I have always wanted to do,and lastnight I finally done it not just for me, but for my family and my boyfriend who have been there from the beginning .I wanted to show them and everyone else that with all of there continued love and support over the past few years that they have shaped me to be the person I am today and that literally anything in the world is possible once you surround yourself with love and support.

I am so deeply indebted to my family for everything they have done to get me where I am today.I for one certainly know it wasn't an easy journey as I'll admit I'm a drama queen on a good day, so you can only imagine what my family have had to put up with! To my mam and dad ecspecially,I hope that when you saw me on stage lastnight oozing in confidence, strength,pride, and with that smile on my face that it was all for you and because of you. I am the luckiest girl in the world to be surrounded by the most loving, supportive, genuine people every day of my life and each of you have impacted so much in my life in your own individual ways and I hope that while reading this you all take a minute to pat yourselfs on the back and realise that no matter what I do, I do it for you, as relistically I'll never have the money to pay ye back for everything, but I hope to make up for that by creating memories that last a life time.

To the 22 other girls who shared the stage with me lastnight, if your reading this (which I hope you are as I bagged myself 22 new followers-there's always a positive) I hope that you are all bursting with pride this morning as each and every one of you were amazing in yere own individual way lastnight, you done yourselfs,your sponsors and your county proud lastnight so a massive Weldone.

To the 2017 Tipp Rose The beautiful Sheila Ryan, you are one beautiful girl both inside and out , and I have no doubt that you will make an amazing ambassador for Tipperary,I've already booked my stay in Tralee to support you throughout the festival and I am so excited to see you represent us in Tralee.I hope you have the most amazing year ever and enjoy and absorb every single minute of it. 

Once again a massive massive thanks to my sponsor O Gorman Construction none of this would be possible without you, I literally don't have the words to thank you, I hope that I did the O'Gorman family and the company itself proud lastnight and I can definitely tell you that I was as proud as punch to have your company on my Sash on that stage so thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

To any girl out there who may think that they aren't beautiful enough, that they weigh too much, they're not smart enough, they're not confident enough, that they're to tall or too small, please stop right there, you are you for a reason your individuality is exactly what makes you unique. The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. So If you can take one thing from this please realise none of that defines who you are or what you are capable of.I took to the stage lastnight with the stretch marks to prove, that you don't need to look like a Victoria secret model to follow a dream, the list of possibilities and opportunities is endless once you start to believe in yourself and I can finally say that after 20 years, I'm finally after finding inner happiness and you know what, the minute I started to love myself (not in a vain way) but by accepting who I am as a person was the exact minute that I started to achieve goals I thought were never going to happen. 

Thank you so so much Everyone, this is only the beginning of what's yet to come from me, I won't stop just yet anyway! 
 Until Next Time.
Lots of love,
Caoimhe Xx.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

🌹" The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" 🌹
Since I was teeny tiny I have always said "When I grow up I want to be in the Rose of Tralee". I used to go to the Rose of Tralee festival with my mam and dad and I literally used to be in Awe of all of the roses who were representing their counties. I used to go around with my notebook and pen and collect all of their autographs, To some that may seem weird but to me it just describes how passionate I was about the festival. 
Sunday the 9th of April was the last day to apply to become the Tipperary rose and it was 7pm that evening when it hit me that there was absolutely nothing stopping me from applying to the Tipperary Rose Centre in order to battle it out to become the 2017 Tipperary rose. Ironically that was the day that I decided I wanted it more than ever! Although I had literally no sponsor or anything organised.
I knew I had made a massive mistake by not just going for it and trying to chase a childhood dream. I was just so mad at myself. Monday night,the 10th of April I was tossing and turning in bed, still stalking the Tipperary Rose centre page(as you do), after realising I had made a massive mistake. As it was quite Late in the night I thought I had gone delirious but I saw that they were after extending the deadline for 24 hours! I am and have always been a firm believer of what's meant for you will not pass you, so as you can imagine that was the final push I needed and I literally just went for it, realistically I have nothing to loose and the timing just seems to be right.
Last night I attended the social night and got to meet all of the other contestants for the first time! I was surrounded by an amazing bunch of girls and it was so lovely to get to know them all before the selection night on The 28th of April in the Anner Hotel.
As you can see by the picture I am beyond grateful and proud to be represting O'Gorman Construction (Ardfinan) Ltd who are my amazing sponsor for the event, which I am extremely thankful for. 
Lastly, If anyone would like to come along on the night to support myself or any of the other girls who are in the bid to become "The 2017 Tipperary Rose" I myself have some spare tickets, but they can also be bought at the door on the night! 
Here's to the next two weeks full of fun,laughter,Friendships and most of all memories that will last a lifetime 🎉
Thank you so much for all of your support over the past few weeks I am beyond grateful and I look forward to taking you all along on the journey with me. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post. Stay tuned for updates.
Until Next Time.
Much Love,
Caoimhe xx