As I previously said I'm not feeling 100% lately so I literally have no interest or patcience for putting on a full face of make up! Infact, I've only worn make up once in the past two weeks and thats when you know that I'm not myself! Before I picked up this product I used to feel so uncomfortable in my own skin as I am literally a milk bottle and well generally, if I put make up on I instantly feel a whole lot better in myself.
Right now I literally just don't have any interest in plastering myself in a full face of make up but I still want to have a small bit of a colour and a glow so that I don't feel as miserable on the outside as I do in the inside!
Two weeks ago I purchased this Cocoa BrownGentle Bronze from Boots Ireland and it instantly became my best friend. I literally cannot stress how good this product is.It literally does what it says on the bottle - it gives you a lovely gentle bronze while also hydrating the skin as it doubles up as a silky moisturiser.
How to apply:Personally I like to apply it with a fluffy brush rather than a mitt! I just find that you get a much more even consistancy when using a brush as you can simply apply it just as you would apply foundation, pop a small but onto your brush and buff it into the skin in circular motions.
This product is not just for the face it can be used all over the body too! I now apply it twice a week just to give me a little boost! I am so much more confident in my skin now that I have a gentle bronze all day everyday! This will defintley be my Must have product for the summer time and what's even better is its only €5.90 for 200ml!
Now if someone could just find something for the bags under my eyes that would be fantastic hahah! Thats all for this week, I have been so busy lately which is such a good complaint, and there is so much In the pipeline over the coming weeks so stay tuned for all of mu updates.
Until Next Time.
Much Love,
Caoimhe xx
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