I Literally cannot believe I'm writing this, but I have been long listed in the "Best Newcomer Blog Category" in the Irish Beauty Blog Awards!! I honestly cannot sum up how honoured i am to see the name of my blog alongside some extremly well known/successful bloggers..

There are over 40 other bloggers in "The best Newcomer" category so I really need your help to get to onto the shortlist which will compile of only 5 blogs..
I would love if you could spare just two seconds to vote for me all you need to do is the following steps :
1- Click the link the following link -->http://www.beautyblogawards.com/nominee-longlist-place-you…/.
2-Go to the best new comer category (c).
3- Find my blog "Its All About M.E" and click on the little circle on the left hand side.
4- Finally, just simply press submit.
Its literally as easy as that!!.
The best thing is you can vote once a day and on multiple devices, so if you have any devices lying around your house please pick it up and follow the above steps once a day!!
It would mean so much to me to make the shortlist but I honestly feel like I have already achieved something by just making the longest. Winning would be a bonus.
Thank You so much for all of your continued support it means so much to me..
Lots of Love,
Caoimhe x
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