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Sunday, 1 January 2017

"A Bad Attitude Is Like A Flat Tyre- You Can't Go Anywhere If You Don't Change It"

2016- where do I even begin. I suppose I should really begin with wishing all of you who have followed me with the past nine months a Happy New Year because realistically without all of you I wouldn't be sitting here on my laptop reflecting on all of the unforgettable moments throughout the year of 2016.

As most of you are aware by now that on the 04/04/2016 I bit the bullet and pressed post on my very first Blog post. I had written that particular blog post more than 12 months previous to the date that I actually got the confidence to post it, and  as I sit here now I reflect I really don't know why I was so afraid to do something that I had always wanted to do- but it just felt like it was the perfect time to do it, and in the space of 9 months so much has happened in my life that I could honestly have never even imagined. My life literally completely changed for the better. I know I have said this before but please, please, please trust the timing of your life.

I'm not going to let on that my life is perfect because it's not, no ones life is perfect. Of course ,there was the occasional few tears from exhaustion and not knowing what would happen next, but other than that I really couldn't find one single thing to complain about.The one thing that I have really noticed in the past 9 months is how important your mental health is and how much of an important part that it plays in your life - this exact time 12 months ago I felt completely lost- there's simply no other word for it, as I had done Transition Year in school without my original bunch of friends, and I then opted to take a year out of school - which had left me two years behind my bunch of friends who were going into their final year of College and would be Graduating, when I still didn't have one single notion as to what I wanted to do?

There were days where I would cry my eyes out wondering where I went wrong and wondering was I ever going to get anywhere in life, no joke, I was simply just a shell of the girl I used to be.I would go to the notes section of my iPad when I was up at all hours of the night overthinking every situation possible, even situation's that I wasn't in but I would create in my own head and I would just write until my heart was content. Writing was my way of forgetting about every single little worry I had and that's when I suddenly realised that I was going to give the whole "Blogging" thing a shot because realistically I had absolutely nothing to loose and that moment when I finally I decided to forget about where I could have gone wrong and where I should be and what I should be doing and accepted the fact that I was only 18 and had my whole life ahead of me that's when things began to slowly but surely fall into place. The minute I changed my attitude and realised that I had my whole life ahead of me.

If you had said to me 12 months ago that I would be where I am today I honestly would have laughed in your face - if you had told me I would be travelling around the country on my own, getting on public transport on my own, staying in hotels on my own I also would have laughed in your face they sound like such simple things that any 18/19 year old should be able to do but behind it all I was such a scaredy cat  So many people think I'm beaming with confidence when really I would run and hide from my own shadow, but I really didn't realise how strong I really was until being strong was the only option I had. If I didn't  "man up" and take a step out of my comfort zone none of the amazing opportunities that I was fortunate enough to get this year would have never happened.   I'm not going to say it was easy but I can 100% assure you that it sure was worth it and there's nothing a little squirt of Rescue Remedy cant fix to ease those panicky moments- On that note I'll finish with my top 5 memories from 2016.

1.Dublin Fashion Festival.

This was definitely the ultimate highlight of 2016 as it was an eye opener that made me realise that Fashion/ Media Industry was definitely the route I would like to go down in the future. Also I got to meet lots of amazing idols of mine throughout that week like Suzanne Jackson, Joanne Larby,Rosie Connolly, Darren Kennedy, James Patrice and of course the  man who has thought me all I need to know about the Fashion Industry Mr. Brendan Courtney who is someone that I really look up to, owe all my fashion knowledge to him and also am extremely grateful to have worked with in 2016.

2. My Article In Stellar Magazine..
Another "Pinch Me" moment. It was quite surreal opening one of Irelands best selling Magazines and seeing a picture of me alongside a piece of my writing in the November Issue.
3.My Graduation.
My graduation from W.I.T part time education where I completed a Broadcasting & Journalism course. The reason I'm including this as it was my first and probably will be my last Graduation so I feel its something that I should be proud of.

4. Learning to Drive.
Considering I couldn't even cycle a bike when I was younger without ending up getting metal pins in my elbow!! learning how to drive a car was quite a big achievement for me, I'm sure my driving instructor John Browne of Browne Driving School in Cahir got his money worth out of the dual pedals on his side of the car as I may or may not have  made his blood pressure rise quite a few times- so thanks for your patients John if your reading this.

5. Cahir & BallyBacon Stritcly Come Dancing.
I had to include both of these as preforming on stage is literally my favourite thing in the world. Taking part in both of these events was literally so much fun - bearing in mind it was a bit of a brave move as they are rival GAA Clubs but since I'm a Cahir woman with a Ballybacon man for the past 4 years I had to keep both Clubs happy and of course it just meant I got to go on stage for 4 nights and do what I absoluley love doing.

I could go on forever talking about 2016 but for now I'm focusing on what 2017 will have in store for me but if 2016 is anything to go by I'm sure I'm going to have an extremely busy but unforgettable year. Finally, I just want to thank my family and Colin for every single thing they have done for me this year no matter how big or small it was, be it support, a lift to an event , or simply just someone to talk to, no matter what they always had my back and I am so grateful for that.
That's all for now,
Until Next Time.

Much Love,
Caoimhe x


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