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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Uriage Skincare Saviours

The last few weeks I have literally been on the go 24/7 which I won't complain about, the only downside to being so busy is that my skin is suffering the consequences. I have had to attended events and meetings 2-3 days a week so obviously I've been wearing make up a lot more often than usual. I have always been extremely lucky with my skin and rarely get spots, generally the only place I would get spots would be my chin and if you use the face map, Chin spots are linked to hormones which makes a whole lot of sense as us poor ladies have hormones all over the place each month, and also for me my chin is the most oiliest part of my face, everywhere else is dry to normal.

I had spent quite a lot of time looking into skincare ranges that wouldn't be too harsh on my skin as apart from having dry skin I also have quite sensitive skin which really doesn't help the situation as I have to be so careful when choosing skincare/products. I had heard about the French Brand Uriage which is a Range that offers products for people who suffer with sensitive skin and was blessed when I realised that a local pharmacy @McCormack Clonmel stocked it in their store.

What is Uriage? Uriage is a skincare brand that develops its products in cooperation with dermatologists and pharmacists from all over the world, ultimately producing products that are hypoallergenic, free of parabens and meet the demands of strict pharmaceutical criteria hence why they are perfectly suitable for those who suffer from even the most sensitive skin as all of Uriage products are produced from the waters of the magnificent Alps!

I headed into McCormack's Pharmacy in clonmel just a little over two weeks ago to get my hands on some of the products so that I could sort my skin out Asap! The staff in McCormack's were extremely generous and gave me testers of their most popular products from the Uriage range. So here's my top 3 favourite products from the range.

1.Uraige AquaPrécis Hydration Dynamique.
This product is so good for people who suffer with dry skin like myself, and it also has two purposes. It can be used as a moisturiser/ cleanser and also it can be used as a base for your foundation as its hydrates the skin so it will give a fab dewy finish, which can be a difficult look to achieve when you have dry skin. It also contains SPF 20 which is a massive bonus as your skin is been protected by it also. Overall this product restores/rejuvenates the original balance of the skin so basically its like giving yourself a Facial every time you use it as your complexion is bright, the skin is protected, and your left with a healthy glow.

2. Uriage Xémose Cream
This Cream is amazing, I wanted to talk about this cream as its not just for your face, it can be used on any part of your body. Recently I have started getting little dry patches, on the inner side of my elbows and just on my collarbones which I find really strange, I tried a rake of moisturisers and the dryness didn't budge but this cream came to the rescue and solved the problem after a few days purely because its Hypoallergenic ,Non-comedogenic, Fragrance-free, and also it contains both Uriage Thermal water Patented  Cerasterol-2F complex which is why its so effective at reinforcing the skins barrier and keeping your skin feeling super soft. I would recommend this product to any one who suffers with skin conditions such as eczema.
3. Uriage Hyséac SOS Paste
I saved the best until last, This product has become my Best Friend, No joke I even took a trip back into McCormack's during the week to stock up on it before it sold out! It literally does what it says on the box,  I have made my own punch line for SOS and I have renamed it the S-Save O-Our S-Skin paste! I had 3 massive spots on my chin last week and I was so conscious of them as I had to Interview celebs for Dublin fashion week and obviously I didn't want to be conscious of them I popped on the Paste over night and bin the space of 8-9 hours the spot had reduced in size, I continued to use the paste for 3-4 days and you honestly wouldn't think I ever had a mark on my chin. All I have left to say for this product is get yourself into McCormack's Pharmacy ASAP.

I honestly couldn't recommend  Uriage skincare enough, I have finally found my go to skincare range after years of searching with thanks to McCormack's Pharmacy in clonmel , you can take a look at their Facebook page by clicking on this link --->McCormack's Clonmel as they have the whole Uriage range in store and also they have some great "Fab Fridays" offers and lots lots more. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post, I have a pretty exciting few weeks ahead of me so stay tuned for more updates. Until Next Time.
Much Love,
Caoimhe xx

Sunday, 14 August 2016

From ConfiDental To Confident

I have been bursting to tell you all about my trip to ConfiDental on Tuesday morning but I wanted to wait until I had the time to share every single detail with you. I posted a little sneak peek on Tuesday evening because I literally couldn’t wait. I was just so excited about my new smile. During my early teenage years when I was in and out of hospital I was so caught up with everything that I didn’t give my teeth the care that they needed, which I am still kicking myself for to date so as you can imagine as a result of neglecting my teeth I became so self-conscious! Apart from the fact that I didn’t look after my teeth I also had a massive fear of the dentist, and I honestly blame my fear of going to the dentist on the clinic that I attended when I was in primary school, I still have nightmares!!
Since winning the competition as a Fashion Reporter for Dublin Fashion Festival my teeth were on my mind 24/7 and it was preventing me from really looking forward to the Festival as all that was going through my head was “how will I be able to interview anyone with teeth like this”? Or “how will I be able to smile for photos” ? I know that it’s a first world problem but to me it was like the end of the world. This was the perfect opportunity for me to face my fear and treat myself to something that I have always wanted, which for me ,was to have nice teeth, as it’s the first thing I notice about someone.
I rang ConfiDental,at Castle Street in Cahir, on Monday afternoon, and they slotted me in for a Consultation on Tuesday morning at 10am.  I can barely remember walking in the door I was so nervous! Dr.Ryan Hennessy – who is the  Dentist and owner of ConfiDental told me what I needed to do with my teeth, in order to get them sorted in time for Dublin Fashion Festival. My first task ahead of the Dublin Fashion Festival was,to travel to Dublin on  Wednesday,( the day after my consultation) where I would be getting photos taken and  promo vidoes for the upcoming event.. I was expecting it to be 2-3 months before my teeth would be sorted but Ryan gave up his time off and fit me in for a later time Tuesday morning so that I would be happy with my teeth for Dublin which I can't thank him enough for.
My heart was literally pumping out of my chest when I sat down on the chair before he started the procedure, but 10 minutes into it I was extremely relaxed- Dentist and Relaxed were two words I honestly thought I would never put in the same sentence but after my experience in ConfiDental I am honestly a new woman. The only reason I wanted to get up off the chair throughout the appointment was to see the results and I’m not messing I was overwhelmed with the finished result other than that,  I was so relaxed which was really surprising as I contemplated running back down the stairs when I arrived first!!
 I have been asked did I get veneers by so many people since last Tuesday which is crazy. So here's what I actually got done and I don't think you'll believe me when you see the before and after photos.  Dr.Ryan Hennessy and his lovely assistant Danielle began my treatment by polishing my teeth, removing any stains visible before he worked on my front teeth which was where most of the damage was situated, over time a gap had formed in the back of my two front teeth and it discoloured causing me to have a dark staining which was HORRIFIC when I opened my mouth but Ryan saved the day and he filled in the damaged gap using a white filling.  I honestly never smiled because I was so embarrassed.  Ryan talked me through every single step of my treatment which made me so calm as I knew what to expect each time.  There’s nothing worse than having loads of metal tools in your mouth and not having a clue as to what’s going on!!
I was in two minds as to whether or not I'd share my before photo with all of you as I was so embarrassed when I had seen it but I really wanted to show you how much of a difference 45 minutes can make when you are left in the hands of a wonderful professional.  No word of a lie,  my treatment began at 12:00 and I was back in my house at 12:45 and here’s the difference.
My smile is still not perfect I have another few fix ups to do, and also I will be returning to Confidental to get my teeth whitened in the coming weeks so I can’t wait to share that experience with all of you. I would highly recommend anyone who was in my position and was 1. Petrified of the Dentist and 2. Extremely conscious of their teeth, to just bite the bullet and ring ConfiDental as soon as possible. I am gutted that I didn’t do it sooner as I would have been so much more confident than I was for the past few years.   As you can tell by this picture of me at my first meeting for Dublin Fashion Festival,  I am smiling from ear to ear in this photo to show of my new smile.
I never thought I’d see the day that I would look forward to returning to the Dentist for my next appointment. You can find ConfiDental on Facebook by clicking on this link -->ConfiDental you can also contact them on 052 7441111. I can assure you that you won't be disappointed. That’s all for now I hope you enjoyed this week’s blog post. Until next time.
Much Love,
Caoimhe  x

Sunday, 7 August 2016

My Top 3 Snapchatters..

Am I the only one who waits to watch  my favourite Snapchatter's stories until I'm all comfy and chilled out in bed? It's become a ritual for me at this stage, it's my way of winding down before going to sleep. People often ask me who inspires me and who do I look up to in the world of blogging So I've decided to let you in on my top 3 Favourite Snaphcatters some of them you may know and also some you may not know.

1.Pippa O Connor (Pippa.oconnor)
Do I even have to explain myself when it comes to  why Pippa O'Connor is one of my favourite snaphcatters? I watch Pippa's Snapchat stories religiously each night, you can tell that she is extremely down to earth and such a lovely person in general.  Pippa documents her daily life activities from work, fashion, beauty, and she also includes her two beautiful sons Ollie and newly born Louis.

2. Lisa Jordan  (Justjordanblog)
Lisa Jordan is a fashion and image consultant and also a professional Make-up Artist who works with MAC in Brown Thomas, Cork city. She always gives 100% honest opinion on products that she uses by telling everyone the pro's and cons of the products before you run to the shop to buy it which I think is extremely helpful. Lisa also buys a lot of her clothes in Penney's and does regular Penney's haul's so it;s great to be able to Steal her Style and get some style Inspo.

3. James Butler (Jamespatrice)
What can I say, this man will actually have you on the verge of wetting yourself. He has to be one of the funniest people around!. I have followed on him on Snapchat for months now and I have yet to be disappointed with his daily updates which include the famous Fron (his mother)..I have been a massive fan of James since day 1 and  I attended his Masterclass in The Dean Hotel in Dublin in July and I can assure you he is  exactly the same behind the camera as he is in real life. He is an absolute gent. I would definitely recommend you to go and follow him on Snapchat as you definitely wont be disappointed.!

If you haven't seen on my Facebook page already I have also set up my very own Snapchat account for my blog you can find me at "itsallaboutm.e" or you can scan my Snapcode in the picture below.

I am extremely busy at the minute with lots of amazing opportunities in the pipeline so that's why this weeks  blog post was a little different to recent posts, and also I'm prepping for Dublin Fashion Festival, so I will be back to my normal Blog posts next week. I hope you enjoyed this weeks short and sweet blog post That's all for now. Until Next Time.
Much Love,
Caoimhe x