On The 17th of November 2015 I passed my Theory test on the first attempt, which i was highly surprised with, as i didn't know a single thing about driving or a car for that matter! I just sort of winged it and did a bit of eenie-meenie-miney moh to answer the questions and I managed to get 39/40 meaning, I just got one question wrong! To be honest, I literally only sat the theory test because I had set a target at the beginning of 2015 that i would have my theory test complete by the end of the year, and generally, once I set an aim I do whatever it takes to achieve it.
Long story short, after having my licence for 10 months I finally contacted John Browne- Browne School of Driving. I have literally feared the day that I would be the one sitting behind the wheel of the car. I am the worst passenger ever, so I honestly thought I would be a nervous wreck behind the wheel.. My first lesson was for 11am this morning (25th of September) and when i told people to beware on the road, I was reassured that it was safe enough as everyone would be at mass at that time, so I knew I was off to a good start.
I literally didn't have a notion as to what to do once I sat behind the wheel of a car all I knew was I had to put on my safety belt,put the key in the hole and i this time i had to actually had to use the mirrors to check for cars and not to use them to check if my make up was okay - after that I didn't have a clue.I'm not going to lie i spent from 9 o clock this morning googling - what pedals are in a car? how do you drive a manual car? and so on and so forth. As you can tell i really was putting my driving instructors life in my hands, but after stalling the car about 10 times and giving John a Minor case of whiplash I finally got into the swing of things and relaxed a small bit.
I had myself convinced this morning that all I would be doing was sitting in the one spot getting used to the pedals,gears mirrors, indicators,and the steering wheel but that's not what John had in mind for me as by 11:15am I was driving down the By pass in Cahir. I was thrown straight into the deep end which I was actually glad of as I didn't have time to over think anything I just had to take control- I suppose that's how everyone had to learn, I just felt that bit more vulnerable behind the wheel as i have an attention span of a 3 year old and I forget what I'm doing.
You're probably wondering what did I learn Today besides how to conk a car and give the passenger whiplash? Keep in mind that this was my first time EVER sitting behind the wheel so we had to start from scratch. First off I learned about the pedals -The clutch , brake and accelerator I learned what they're for, when to use each pedal, and what leg to use for each of the pedals-Which is alot to take something so simple but to anyone starting off it's vital to know!!We then mastered the gears, I used 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th gear and lastly I took on the challenge of going around a roundabout for my first time and guess what? I didn't cry and even better still I SURVIVED!
I am kicking myself that I didn't bite the bullet and make an appointment for a lesson straight away after i passed my theory test as afterall, it really wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.It's just like everything practice makes perfect. I have decided to document each lesson that I have with John over the next few weeks, so that ye can see how I'm getting on- and I can Gaurentee you that It will be very interesting as the weeks progress as I'll be doing, hill starts,parking, and U-Turns. That's All For now but stay tuned as i have my second lesson this week. In the mean time if you're looking for a Driving Instructor you can contact John On 086-3733759 or Check out his facebook page right here--->Browne Driving School .
Until Next Time.
Much Love,
Caoimhe x